Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Exas Philippines, Incorporated Company Case Essay

Exas Philippines, Incorporated is a privately owned company by Japanese investor and run and managed by Japanese consultants and experts. It’s main business since the birth of their mother company are METAL STAMPING PRODUCTION (transient or manual and progressive dieset) and TOOL and DIE DESIGNING, PROCESSING and VALIDATION. I belonged in these two production businesses. Our department receives customers’ product technical drawings. We make tool and die design as basis for quotations then customers feedback for approval for the design price. Then processing follows on metal parts components of the go project(s). Assembly will follow of the processed tool and die. Validation follows to deliver engineering samples based on specifications required. Once the delivered samples are approved in their line assembly, mass production will follow at our metal stamping production area. Today, Exas Philippines has been adopting several methods and techniques to add and improve its methods of productivity and quality that is far better than existing technology. This development however, fully sustained daily activities that affect daily production output of the manufacturing industry including transportation. In fact, the effect of certain method and process shows as one of the largest components that helps the company to be more competitive in the market today. Within it, this methods and innovation plays a main role in satisfying customer demand developing trust and confidence among others. One known product that this company produced is MAIN PLATE, a metal stamped part that serves as the major component of digital camera to be assembled in Pentax Philippines, one known customer of ours. Among other parts suppliers, Exas Philippines remains one of its biggest and trusted plastic molding and metal stamped parts supplier for almost a decade. Trust and confidence we did to sustained and keep for future partnership ahead. In this matter, some market, somehow develop a unique and effective process approach in all its product and services. In such, inquiring new and state of the art tools and machineries, successful management program and improved process which could allure investors and potential customers in general. Moreover, products and services providers in an open market like us, need to innovate and enhance operation to the maximum utilization of resources and cost to be more competitive, especially commercial value of our products and services were greatly controlled and dictated by our customers. Where at point, it is a need for the manufacturing industry to forecast total profit prior to producing or launching a certain project through extensive process evaluation and analysis of every aspect of manufacturing and somehow build and innovate unique and well-develop processes. Since main plate manufacturing process and cost involves values need to be considered and improved, moreover, it has the longest and overmanned process to date as evidenced by the results of the operation production and delivery during the first two months. And with the company’s aim for â€Å" Continuous Improvement† and â€Å"Process Optimization†, the researcher conducted this study for possible remedies and measure which has to be developed to improve this poor performance process operation. CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE II STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The study helps to improve the present methods to be more efficient and productive. Thus, it is the goal to optimize production output of Main Plate. The study conducted specifically and systematically to provide answer to the following: 1) Are the present methods or set up efficient in terms of the following? 1) Process lay-out activities evident for cheaper and safer process. 2) Process flow chart implemented specifies steps required in terms of lay-out cost. 2) Can the material be improved for cost analysis? 1) Pricing 2) Material kind 3) Material rejection or scrappage 3) Is the manpower available sufficient enough? 1) Manpower vs. Process lay-out 2) Manpower vs. Machines 3) Man-hours requirement vs. Production plan 4) Machineries and fixtures fully utilized? 1) Press stamping machine utilization per day 2) Bench drill for chamfering and tool bits utilization 3) Pneumatic tool grinder, cutting and polishing tools utilization 4) Degreasing Machine Utilization b) What would be the proposal to modify or improve the high cost of production of Main Plate in terms of ? b.1) Labor cost b.2) Machine and Equipment set up c) How would modification of the process benefits the company, the department, the employees, the valued customer as well as the researcher? II SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The study helps the company understand the nature and true cost of work and reducing unnecessary costs, and balancing processes in the line to make work flow smoother. It also helps the company to be more competitive in an open market, highly productive and profitable in return. Also using effective techniques that will enhance processing time will eventually increases productivity with less cost, less manpower and man-hour requirements. This study serves as the guidelines for the manufacturing department to determine man and machine effective planning, established time and motion standards to improve production planning and material preparation in general. It will also provide relevant information in settling financial statement, resource allocation and product estimating cost and value. For the employees, it will boost their morale for work since there is that proper division of work load, improve their working conditions and environment. This will also benefit me since I learn time and motion study from this project. I could apply this at my working section, at my home as learning for my family for time management for better results. To the company’s valued customers and business partners, the assurance of on-time deliveries with satisfying high quality product is highly guaranteed. CHAPTER II THE DATA Scope and Limitation: The study conducted by the researcher is focusing mainly on ten (10) different processes involve in producing MAIN PLATE product. The following are the processes: 1) Blanking 6) Flattener 2 2) Piercing 7) Tapping 3) Chamfering 8) Degreasing 4) Flattener 1 9) Visual Checking 5) Polishing 10) Final Packing The entire processing of the product is the main scope of the project where most of the critical problems has been found and identified. The primary targets of the research are to established standard time and methods to be followed in the processing of the said product as well as to improve productivity and reduce manufacturing cost. The project involves considerable cost . Some of them involve a large number of activities which must be carefully planned and coordinated. There are few which can be completed on time, cost and performance targets. Furthermore, another aim of the study is to determine how profitable are the new and improved methods established by the researcher.

Dell Case Study

Running head: DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION Improving the Dell Computer Corporation Heather Mueller Corporate Communications Section One Improving the Dell Computer Corporation The key issues presented in the â€Å"Dell Computer Corporation† case study is that Dell needs to align its’ identity with its’ image, and stop relying heavily on technology (Dell Case Study P. 58). Increased dependence on technology, along with a gap between image and identity, can cause complications for a company if they are not attended to. AnalysisCorporate communication must be â€Å"closely linked to a company’s overall vision and strategy,† (Argenti, 2007, p. 12) and if not, it can cause constituencies to view the company negatively. The Chief Operating Officer of Sony â€Å"criticized Dell’s lack of spending on research and development,† therefore, Sony’s image of Dell does not align with Dell’s identity. A company’s image is the  "corporation as seen through the eyes of its constituencies, [and] an organization can have different images with different constituencies† (Argenti, 2007, p. 58).This differs from an identity, because an identity â€Å"consists of a company’s defining attributes,† and should not very from one constituency to another (Argenti, 2007, p. 58). Many of Dell’s constituencies view Dell in a very positive light, and see Dell as an excellent example of how a company should function and communicate with its constituencies. Dell has a well-founded identity called â€Å"The Soul of Dell† which is its’ corporate philosophy that â€Å"defines the kind of company it is and aspires to become† and shows Dell’s commitment to direct accountability (Argenti, 2007, p. 9). However, â€Å"identity building and maintenance requires the ability to conduct research,† and if Dell does not clearly communicate that ability with it’s constitue ncies, Sony will continue to be discontented with Dell’s identity (Argenti, 2007, p. 50). The founder of Dell Computers, Michael Dell, created an â€Å"e-mail based culture† at the company as the primary work environment (Argenti, 2007, p. 62). E-mail can be effective because it allows subordinates to easily communicate with senior management and is an efficient mean of communication across time zones (Argenti, 2007, p. 2). This is important because subordinates can â€Å"get the company’s strategy directly from those at the top of the organization† (Argenti, 2007, p. 12). E-mail also helps to create a productive climate in which â€Å"managers and employees communicate effectively and support each other† (O'Hair et al. , 2008, p. 181). However, Dell’s â€Å"increasing dependence on technology-mediated communication creates an environment that may discourage relational development† (O'Hair et al. , 2008, p. 179).Nearly all communicati on takes place digitally because â€Å"face-to-face communication has given way to a strictly electronic communication network. † (O'Hair et al. , 2008, p. 189). Without face-to-face communication, personal relationships within the company may begin to fail, which decreases productivity, and increases isolation and emotional detachment from the company’s identity as well as other employees. If the upper management at Dell does not improve the ways it communicates internally and externally, the company will not continue to grow, thrive or flourish in the changing corporate environment.If Dell can modify and adapt its’ behavior in a positive way, its constituencies will become aware of Dell’s excellent communications, and this well-built structure will transcend through the company so employees will learn to communicate efficiently as well. Solutions The upper management at Dell needs to make personal and public communication more important within their str ategy for maintaining their core identity as â€Å"The Soul of Dell. Dell already has a strong relations with constituencies because employees and management â€Å"allow for unique working relationships that transcend the ‘us and them’,† so the constituencies feel valued (Argenti, 2007, p. 62). However, a company can always improve its communication with constituencies because communication is an ongoing â€Å"process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior† (Communication, 2009, par. ). In order to improve its communications, the upper management at Dell can work more closely with the marketing communications department and create a stronger corporate mission. With today’s quick changing environment, â€Å"a clear-cut corporate mission can not only keep employees aligned with what the company is striving to be, but also can act as a source of stability for consumers weary of the constant change surrounding them. (Argenti, 2007, p. 12). The marketing communications department â€Å"coordinates and manages publicity relations to products and deals with activities relating to customers,† and could compose ways to strengthen the corporate mission (Argenti, 2007, p. 53). If more focus was put on marketing communications and a stronger corporate mission was created, then employees can better understand the fundamental reasons for the company’s existence.The employees would be able to clearly demonstrate and publicize each way they illustrate the company’s identity and pursue the continuing purpose of achieving the corporate mission. When a company gets more involved in â€Å"quasi-political activities with constituencies [that] claim to represent a firm’s customers,† the company would then be able to control how its constituencies view them, and how the company evaluates its’ identity compared to the constituencies perce ived image.The American Decency Association (ADA) successfully maintained and illustrated its identity involving the need to prevent images of violence and adult content from being promoted by family orientated companies and businesses (ADA, 2008, par. 1). They successfully â€Å"lobbied for companies including Kellogg’s, Lowe’s, Tyson Foods, and S. C. Johnson to stop buying additional advertising space on U. S. television shows† with unnecessary violence and adult content such as ABC’s Desperate Housewives and FX Nip/Tuck (Argenti, 2007, p. 53).The marketing communication team of the ADA ensured that family orientated products and brand promotions were sending the right messages to children. The company stayed true to its corporate mission and never strayed from its foundation of values and beliefs, so that its constituencies would not be anxious of the constantly changing environment that surrounded the media. E-mail constantly causes information overlo ad for employees in a company if it is the main source of communication, and this informal communication process often isolates employees and does not allow them to interact. Spending over 5 hours a day staring at a computer screen increases the risk of depression, insomnia and other mental health problems† as well (O'Hair et al. , 2008, p. 189). This can be solved with increased face-to-face communications through meetings, team building activities, and company outings. If the upper management put more of a emphasis on internal communications, then â€Å"the employees would be more engaged, productive, loyal,† and happy, and the strength of company relationships will increase (Argenti, 2007, p. 54). ConclusionThe course of actions that Dell should pursue is working closer with the marketing communications department to create a stronger corporate mission, and to increase face-to-face communications within the company. With increased and improved personal and public com munication, Dell will be able to align its image with its identity, and will be able to strengthen relationships to prove themselves as a successful company with a consistent strategy, in the endlessly changing work environment. References ADA. (2008, September 28). ABC/Disney's desperate housewives.In American decency association. Retrieved February 9, 2009, from http://www. americandecency. org/main. php? f=updates_new/2008/September/09. 28a. 08 Argenti, P. A. (2007). Corporate communication (4th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Communication. (2009). In Merriam-Webster. Retrieved February 10, 2009, from http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/communication O'Hair, D. , Friedrich, G. W. , & Dixon, L. D. (2008). Work relationships. In Strategic communication in businesses and the professions (6th ed. , pp. 178-205). Boston: Pearson education.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Burton Snowboards: A Marketing Assesment Essay

Snowboarding is a wintertime sport that is rapidly growing in popularity. The founder of the sport, Jack Burton Carpenter, is amazed at the success of the snowboarding market and contributes the success of the market to his determination of foreseeing snowboarding becoming a popular winter sport. The following assignment will describe with specifics the environmental forces influencing the snowboarding industry, the differences in marketing goals in comparison to Burton Snowboarding’s early years with that of today, and will describe each element of Burton Snowboarding’s marketing mix. The environmental forces influencing the snowboarding industry includes the following: Demographic: Baby boomers will retire or have already taken early retirement; therefore recreational activities will increase greatly. Recent retirees will give up most of their spare time, (that was normally set aside for work), for leisure and recreational activities. The snowboarding market is targeting teenagers’ usage of their products. Therefore, if the snowboard industry wants to keep the teenage audience interest in their products they must maintain its image. In order to keep their image safe, the industry must sell to high profit organizations and not low budget markets such as the bi-way, (who knows what the bi-way would want with snowboards but it’s a good example of a low budget market). Economic- Business Cycle: Sales of snowboards will be high during times of prosperity, (when the economy is at its peak). Adding more appeal on snowboards, (examples: a new look, upgrade, new products and more uses for the product), during times of prosperity in the economy will help to expand the snowboard market. Widening the snowboard market makes the consumer more aware of the product and thus adds to the sales on the product. Economy- Inflation: Since the majority of the consumers buying snowboards are teenagers, inflation rates will affect their buying power. Teenagers receive minimum wage and thus will not have adequate funds to purchase a snowboard  for recreational expenditures. Social: People are more concerned then ever about being healthy and fit and more and more people are looking to new unique ways of getting their health needs met. Location: The snowboarding market must be situated in or around accessible snowboarding facilities or areas. E.g. Ski resorts, mountainous regions and places that receive an adequate amount of snowfall. The elements of marketing mix that Burton snowboards cover includes price, product, and distribution, marketing communications and customer service. The following is a more specific outline of each of the marketing mix elements. Price: Burton Snowboards range from $300-$1000, more expensive then low named brands but shows that quality, effort and workmanship has been placed into the creation of each individual board. Product: Burton added a new line of protection equipment for the upcoming snowboarding season, including such products as: styling helmets, pads and hats. The helmets are improved from last year’s models and now contain: venting ports, micro fit adjustments, a wide-angle view (for safety) and removable earpieces. Distributions: Burton snowboards can be purchased at any local retail that specializes in snowboards, (the locations nearest us includes: Sports Swap 2045 Young Street and Sporting Life 2454 Young Street), and at ski resorts allowing snowboarders (rental only). Marketing Communications: Burton Snowboarding has created an image that is appealing to teenagers. Burton is using this image to attract this age group by advertisements, Internet sites, and articles in popular teen magazines and by sponsoring local youth events. Customer Service: Burton Snowboarding has created a safer snowboarding experience for its users, by introducing safety products such as helmets and pads. In the early years of developing the snow boarding industry, Burton tried to gain acceptance from fellow skiers. Burton tried to persuade ski resorts of allowing snowboarders to use their ski resorts. Burton got its big break in 1983 when Vermont Stratton Mountain allowed snowboarders to use its slopes. Burton hoped that by opening opportunities to snowboarders on ski resorts that the sport would gain acceptance from the consumer, and thus open the snowboarding market.Burton is now at the leading edge of snowboarding, and its products cover the largest variety of boards, ranging from: Free riders, pipe boards, novice and expert lines of boards. Burton also sells snowboarding equipment along with its line of boards; this helps with consumer’s convenience and helps to gain more profit for the company. Burton has put together a non-profit organization that helps under privileged kids learn to snowboard. All equipment and professional instructing are available. Burton hopes to promote the product and show the consumer that it cares about the community, all which will reach more target markets

Monday, July 29, 2019

Asylum Seeker Children in Need Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Asylum Seeker Children in Need - Essay Example ri Lanka, FRY (Former Republic of Yugoslavia), Afghanistan, Turkey, Pakistan, China, India and Iran, in that order, were the countries most of these applications came from. Despite the large number of immigrants seeking leave to enter and stay, only a minority get awarded the refugee status or exceptional leave to remain. A major challenge is presented in terms of meeting the needs of these immigrants and refugees is their children’s access to education which is part of their statutory rights. In a highly competitive environment, these children may be considered a potential threat to school standards and levels of achievement, by institutions and educational establishments. However, schools are given the option to exclude asylum-seekers’ and refugee pupils’ scores from the schools’ overall performance indicator if these individuals have been in the country for less than two years. The same exclusion law applies to anyone whose first language of instruction is not English. Such a policy can bring a good change if it seeks to help such students be welcomed and accepted at their respective institutions without the apprehension of the schools as to the hampering of school performance. However, on the flip side, such a decision might also result in the schools taking a lax attitude towards these children and deem them unfit for similar prospects as the other, regular students. The fact is that more than the basic needs of these children need to be catered to, as evidenced by the data that shows that children of refugees/asylum seekers are often victims of racial hatred, with the local communities often treating them as pariahs. Globalization is a reality of our times, as well as having a long history, and it is a good idea to see its process vis-Ã  -vis the challenges of asylum. It is because of globalization that people from a certain area in the world decide to move to another area, despite the financial burden thereof. What is more, such people always

Sunday, July 28, 2019

How Can Social Change Be Brought About, Especially in a Totalitarian Essay

How Can Social Change Be Brought About, Especially in a Totalitarian Society Like the One Nafisi Describes - Essay Example In order to break the silence or discover possibilities to exercise their free will, individuals must strive to resist to such pressures on individual level. If only people realize what a deadly solution silence is, they would never choose to resort to it. It is a manifestation of the weakness and inability of individuals to stand for their basic human rights. In order to fight the system, Nafisi had to create a little world of her own with a like-minded group of students in order to evade the restrictions of the totalitarian regime they were living in. The classic literary works they studied together opened new vistas for their inner struggles to break the silence and to stand for their rights and this is how they survived in such suffocating circumstances with little efforts. â€Å"†¦ like Lolita, we tried to escape and to create our own little pocket of freedom.† (Nafisi, 435) They developed a strong bond during their struggle to keep their spirits alive and to carve o ut a little space for themselves and also learnt how to handle unfavorable circumstances. This is what Gladwell says about the Power of Context: â€Å"†¦ the Power of Context says that what really matters is little things.†(242) If people wait for radical social changes to take place, they must start by taking the first little steps themselves. Nafisi and Gladwell argue that environment plays an important role in shaping human behaviors. People tend to think and act differently under different circumstances and they even develop different perspectives of life in different situations. It was for this reason that reading Lolita in Tehran became an altogether different experience. â€Å"This then is the story of Lolita in Tehran, how Lolita gave a different color to Tehran and how Tehran helped redefine Nabakov’s novel, turning it into this Lolita, our Lolita.†( Nafisi, 420) Gladwell also emphasizes upon the strong impact of environment on human actions. Our b ehaviors undoubtedly reflect our familial and educational backgrounds, mentalities, and genetics- but most importantly they are shaped and governed by the environments we live in. We pick up cues from the environment and act or react accordingly. â€Å"The impetus to engage in a certain kind of behavior is not coming from a certain kind of person but from the feature of the environment.† (Gladwell, 238) In totalitarian regimes, it is incumbent upon individuals seeking social change to voice their concerns. The environmental factors might be discouraging and disheartening, but it is within human powers how they behave in particular situations. It is important to have will power, voice and the determination to express yourself through sensible and methodological actions. Social change can be brought about on the grassroots-level of totalitarian societies by instilling a general awareness about free will and the right to exercise it through words and actions. Rampant and radical movements can be easily undermined by such political systems by force; however, awareness about basic human rights seeps in the deepest layer of societies over the years. Such changes evolve slowly out of the dire need of the citizens to express their free will. In a totalitarian society like the one Nafisi describes, individuals are forced to redefine their behaviors particularly in public. People are forced to practice such customs in which they do not believe in; and they are expected to act and behave like the tools of a totalitarian system. If given an opportunity to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Determination of Food Policy in a Modern World Essay

The Determination of Food Policy in a Modern World - Essay Example Contrary to the main point of The Omnivore Dilemma, however, that part of the difficulty for humans is choosing their food is that we have too much choice, that we can eat anything we want. The problem, however, is that we do not actually have that great a degree of choice and that the factors that determine the crops we grow are in fact outside of our control. It is impossible to simply choose better, safer, healthier, and more environmentally friendly food because the food we grow is determined by the complex interaction of population, food-consumption style, and climate. In order to truly be the masters of our destiny in terms of food production, we must control the factors that determine what food we plant. Corn is in many ways a wonder food and in many ways a dangerous food. Corn can be produced in quantities that far exceed other plants (Pollan 2006, 36), and is incredibly versatile, functioning as everything from feedstock (65) to the sugars in sodas and candies (85). This mea ns that corn is the product of choice for most food production – in a single meal, nearly everything you eat can be a corn product in some way or another (111). This leads to problems, however. Firstly, heavy reliance on a single crop is incredibly dangerous from a food security perspective - an insect that develops the ability to eat it in high quantities and resisting pesticides, or a phage that targets the plant could lead to significant food shortages. Likewise, corn products are not always the most healthy – the high-fructose corn syrup that is in nearly every junk food on the planet is associated with heart disease and diabetes, two of the most serious killers in North America. So, realistically, there would be many benefits to breaking our addiction to corn (and other similarly homogenous cereal crops) and diversifying our planting to a wider variety of food products. But unfortunately, this is near to impossible because of the pressures that actually decide wha t kinds of food we plant. Forces other than free choice force the determination of what crops we plant. The first of these forces is population. Corn and other cereal crops’ incredibly high yields have led to a population explosion the like of which the human race has never seen before. And the fact is, this means that we now need these high yield crops in order to maintain the population and avoid even greater mass starvation than is already occurring. Population in many ways forces us to grow the crops we do. The second major force is lifestyle – a great deal of the crops we produce are used to feed livestock, which are incredibly inefficient uses of food resources from the human perspective – only about one-tenth of the energy used to feed the animal a human eats actually makes it to the human(68). So the widespread consumption of meat in our society is another major factor inducing the growth of corn. A final factor is climate – as climate changes rap idly it is important to grow crops that can endure a wide variety of conditions, and corn has shown that it is able to do this – it can be grown anywhere from Brazil to Canada, and can endure significant swings in temperature, rain and so on without failing, unlike many other crops.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Starbucks Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Starbucks Marketing Plan - Essay Example Question 2 The main components of Starbucks marketing mix include segmentation, targeting and positioning. Using these three, strategic decisions will be made that will target the much needed potential and current customers. These strategies should be able to provide both product and customer service that will be unique from competitors (Lamb, Charles, Joseph and Carl, 267). Question 3 Factors include; Strategic marketing plan, suitable positioning of the business environment, variety and professionally exceptional service (Lamb, Charles, Joseph and Carl, 268). Question 4 The main factors are competition, unstable and changing economy, which materially influences pricing; a hugely significant factor (Lamb, Charles, Joseph and Carl, 268). Question 5 Benefits include customer satisfaction, which leads to royalty. It is more environmental friendly, and in terms of the economic returns, profits are more than losses. Some of the costs incurred include manufacturing, packing, branding and delivery (Lamb, Charles, Joseph and Carl, 269). Question 6 In business, successful selling and buying in order to attain the required profits does not necessarily mean that an industry should have more branches. Starbucks decision to close some of the stores and open up few ones is a decision that will bring about more concentration. The fewer the branches, the more the controlling power and thus the more the profits. With this, managing is much more comfortable (Lamb, Charles, Joseph and Carl, 270).

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Islamic faith Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Islamic faith - Essay Example tions has been immense in terms of economic mobility, political freedom and social freedom but world’s perception on Islam and Muslims has always been dubious in terms of acknowledging it as a prime force. The emergence of Saudi Nations as oil hubs offered them power and control over the industrial revolution in the 20th century that became a reason of worry for western nations believing themselves as super powers. The influx of billions of dollars created mosque, education system, scholarships and change in the perception of Muslims. This was just a beginning of an era that was followed by supreme power and dominance over the global oil industry and within years, western nations were under the feet of Saudi Arabia in terms of feeding their industrial needs and requirements. It can be assumed that the prime reason behind the resurgence of Islamic influence was the control over the oil and petroleum products that changed the life of few nations. Islam is considered is one of the highly admired religions across the world based on pure faith and teachings of god. Muslims across the world take pride in following the path shown by the sacred leaders and gods. It needs to be mentioned that an individual is treated and respected on the basis of his nature, lifestyle and personality. Religions help in shaping perceptions, ideologies and mindset and Islam helps in connecting to god along with developing faith. There are a number of countries treating Muslims in a different manner based on pre-conceived notions that often demeans the majority of Muslims. The only appeal of being a Muslim is the follower of god believing in right things and leading a normal life that is often influenced by the perceptions of others making it all the more complicated. The United States is considered as the super power controlling the world. Muslims settled in the US often find social freedom, political freedom and economic development increasing at a rapid pace in the country compared to

Community and public health nursing outbreak Coursework

Community and public health nursing outbreak - Coursework Example Coronaviruses are mutual throughout the globe and infect both humans and animals. The effects of coronaviruses range from mild to moderate with others like the severe acute respiratory system causing severe effects. The paper will analyze coronaviruses presenting the effects and approaches the community can adopt in overcoming these conditions. The coronavirus that the paper will discuss is the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Coronaviruses indicate a large family of human and animal viruses that lead to a range of illnesses. The Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus is caused by a virus and was first discovered in 2012 in Saudi Arabia. The disease assumed the word Middle East following its origin but has since spread to various regions. The coronavirus causes severe acute respiratory disease that result in death following the shortness of breath (CDC, 2015). Ever since the discovery in Saudi Arabia, the coronavirus has been reported in some other countries. These countries include Qatar in 2012, Jordan in 2012, United Kingdom in 2013, France in May 2013, United States in April 2014, South Korea in May 2015, China in 2015, and Lebanon (McIntosh, 2015). The primary source that triggered the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus is yet to be established. The precise routes and modes of transmission from human to human have not been identified. However, there is clear evidence that the virus gets passed from one person to another. The Ministry of Health of Saudi Arabia (2014) recommends standard precautions for management of the transmission of the Middle East respiratory syndrome. The precautions should include contact and airborne methods when dealing with any suspected cases, probable or the confirmed cases. Those suffering from respiratory illnesses or hypoxemia are at a higher risk of acquiring the virus through elective procedures,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Cooperative Learning (Education) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cooperative Learning (Education) - Essay Example Every person perceives and processes the acquisition of knowledge in different ways and these preferences can be described as unique learning styles. Thus learning is transformed into awareness to the learner who recognizes their own preferred mode of learning and assistance being given to develop a learning catalog through several experiences combined with alternative modes. The 4MAT system of learning developed by Bernice McCarthy can be identified as Innovative learners wherein this type of learners is primarily interested in personal meaning. They require reasons for learning, reasons that enable connection between acquired information and personal experiences combined with this application to every day life. Instructional modes that are effective with such kind of learners are through Cooperative learning, brain storming sessions and integration of content areas. The next kind is Analytic learners who are primarily interested in acquiring details thereby intensifying their understanding of concepts. The analytic learners gain knowledge through Lectures, research analysis of data and listening to ‘the experts’. The common sense learners prefer to investigate in the working of things. Experimental learning activities utilizing hands on missions are best suited for them. Dynamic learners are more interested in self directed discovery. They follow their own intuition and seek to teach others as well. Independent study combined with simulations and role play proves to be effective style of learning. There are various techniques of imparting knowledge to the entity who acquires knowledge. Cooperative learning is a teaching technique wherein small teams involving the students of different levels based on their ability utilize numerous learning activities in order to improve their comprehension of a subject. â€Å"Cooperative learning exists when students work together to accomplish shared learning goals.† (Johnson, 1999). Every participant of the team is

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Arabic culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Arabic culture - Essay Example Geography plays a vital role in forcing the Arabs to opt for long dresses which cover the entire body. It should be noted that Middle East is perhaps the hottest region in this earth. Because of the proximity of deserts, the atmospheric temperature in most of the Middle Eastern countries is in the range of 35 to 45 degree Celsius during the majority of the months in a year. In order to escape from extreme heat, Arabs use long white cloths and head covers. White colour has the ability to reflect heat whereas black colour has the ability to absorb heat. That is why Arabs mostly interested in white dresses. Arabs normally like non-vegetarian foods because of their geographical peculiarities. Fishing is a traditional revenue source for Arabs because since most of the Arab countries are located near the seashores. It is difficult for the Arabs to grow vegetables in open air because of the extreme heat and humid conditions. So, historically, they included items like fish, meat, egg etc mor e in their dishes. In fact vegetarian foods are expensive in the Arab world compared to the non-vegetarian foods. In short, geography has influenced Arab food habits very much. â€Å"Black tea is the most common drink among Arab world, usually the Lipton brand name. You can also find a delicious tea made from hibiscus flowers - zouhourat. This tea has a light yellow colour and a delicate, flowery flavour† (Syrian Drinks: Repast in a Teacup). Sulaimani (Black tea) is the major drink among Arab people.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Racism affects everybody Essay Example for Free

Racism affects everybody Essay This is shown in the movie ‘Australia’, how everyone can be affected by racism. Many different ways of racism towards people in the movie ‘Australia’. A few of the main characters that are affected in the movie is Nullah, The Drover, Lady Ashley. The people that are being most affected in the movie would have to be the indigenous, that’s because the time the movie was set in, was when the white australia policy was happening, so pretty much every Australian was being racist towards aboriginal people. Racism is problem that everybody is affected in the world today. In the movie Australia, all the aboriginal people was being well behaved, did everything they was told and followed the rules. Even then people was still be racist towards them. Some of the ways racism was shown in the movie was how the aboriginals wasn’t allowed in the pubs, also Neil Fletcher was using Daisy for sex and didn’t show any respect and also beat her and his son up. So pretty much all the Australians in this time period was against all indigenous people and all japanese because at the time australia was at war with japan and japan ended up bombing darwin. Nullah in the movie was a half cast, so he wasn’t fully aboriginal or australian, he felt left out because he wasn’t black or white, he was only a creamy colour. He was like this because of Neil Fletcher using his mother for sex. Nullah and his mother wasn’t treated with any respect at all and both of them was also beat up, it was because Neil fletcher played a big part in being racist towards Indigenous people. A good example of racism towards Nullah is when he is about to get on the ship to the mission and a young australian boy was yelling to him and saying â€Å"Creamy† and kept saying that to Nullah. Near the end of the movie Nullah wants to go ‘walk about’ with his Grandfather. If you go on this ‘walk about’ It means you become a man, it’s part of the aboriginal tradition, even though Nullah isn’t a full blooded aboriginal, he still wants to keep live by his aboriginal culture and follow the aboriginal tradition and become a man through the true aboriginal way. The reason all this racism was happening towards the aboriginal people was because of the government. They had made a policy in the australia called the white australia policy, this policy wanted australia to only have fully white blooded australians in australia only. The half cast kids like ‘Nullah’ was sent to a mission to learn about the christianity and how australians live, the other reason they were sent there is because australian people wasn’t proud of having sex with aboriginal women and then they didn’t want half cast kids in the public because it would remind them of what they did with those aboriginal women and they didn’t want that. So the government made missions where, the half cast kids were taken from their families by the police and wasn’t allowed to see their families again. The kids that were taken when they were are now called the stolen generation. The two people in the movie that werent being racist towards aboriginal people was The Drover and Lady Ashley, this was because they both had a connection with the aboriginal people in the movie, The Drover’s partner in the movie was an aboriginal and The Drover felt like he was an aboriginal and thought that people treated him like one. He also sticked up for his partner at the pub, this shows how close Drover was to his partner. Lady was close to aboriginal people because of Nullah’s mother dying and she took up mothering for Nullah, this made a strong connection between them. When Neil Fletcher was beating up Nullah Lady Ashley stepped in and protected Nullah. In conclusion, It doesn’t matter if someone is being racist towards an individual, it will affect other people to. Even all the years ago, when the white australia policy was taking place, the racism towards the aboriginals and the stolen generation, It is still affecting most of Australia today and a lot of people are sorry to the stolen generation because what the government did was very wrong and it didn’t take not long to see what they done. Racism still happens today everywhere and it does affect everyone.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Critique of the poster

Critique of the poster Critique of the poster PURPOSE The purpose of my poster was to effectively present my research topic, describing my methodology and aims in a clear, precise manner. The poster needed to be a brief, well organised summary, organised in sequence, with an introduction, outline of my planned methodology, results, conclusion and references. The poster needed to appeal to a specialist university audience of students and teachers, who would expect to view sufficient technical information. DESCRIPTION Reviewing my poster, I feel that its presentation on five single-sided handwritten pages of black type was confusing and lengthy. It was inadequate, bland and didnt indicate key points. EVALUATION Reviewing poster guidelines for creating and designing academic posters on Leicester Universitys Academic Poster website, I realised that mine failed to use good layout, short amounts of text, graphics, charts, or colour, to highlight key aspects of my outline research. (Feedback: Dr Chris Comber: email: 13.01.10) Visually, it only contained one font and one (black) colour, and some rather bland headings, so it was not appealing in its presentational techniques. Use of different fonts to highlight my title, introduction and chosen methodology may have shown that I had a more logical structure for my topic . My chosen picture an image of a primary school teacher facing a class during a lesson was an attempt to show an ‘effective teacher in control of a calm classroom situation. I feel, with hindsight, that the picture could have been more carefully chosen. The rather basic, uniform presentation could have used Microsoft Publisher with a set ‘template of fonts and colours, to give it a more professional and serious feel. My handwritten version perhaps looked rushed and hurriedly assembled and reflected my own lack of technical expertise and confidence in creating an academic poster. There were also a lack of references in support of my very general points and assertions (eg how teachers are ‘challenged; ‘lack of support; ‘teachers are blamed for everything and so on, identified in my research background. I really should have made it clear that I was outlining from professional experience as a primary teacher in Greece, or made it clear I had sourced these terms. Feedback: Dr Chris Comber: email: 13.01.10) Finally, I realise that I should have more closely defined (using literature) effective and successful teacher (referenced back to research). Feedback: Dr Chris Comber: email: 13.01.10. Overall, the disadvantage of my poster was that I didnt properly define my methodology, clearly arguing the case for undertaking a case study. I should also have perhaps outlined how I would collate and present my case study. I should also have read up on poster sites including Leicester Universitys to see their stage-by-stage guide to creating effective posters which are eye-catching and convey the right academic information. I should have presented the strengths and weaknesses of such a case study, summarised into key points, more clearly. I should have referenced my main summarised points for the case study drawing a more careful distinction between personal and professional experiences and literature into ‘effective and ‘successful teaching. On these two words, I should have defined them precisely. They are used too vaguely. ATTACHMENT A template copy of what I should have done, approximately, is attached for your information. The source of this template is 5

Social Media On Relationships Media Essay

Social Media On Relationships Media Essay Buying cloth, listening to music, choosing vacations are all affected and manipulated by the internet, but it has also effected how people interact and communicate, it allowed them to share thoughts, photos, stories and start discussions with online chats. Even it allows Organizations, companies and parliaments to interact with large audience. Moreover social media has interfered even in more personal issues like family business and the relationship between men and women. Social media can be very helpful in many cases but if misused it can have very serious effects on relationships. Many problems nowadays are created because of social media. And even some divorce cases were an effect of misusing it. Problem statement: With the revolution of social media, we have become so dependent on it in our daily life, a life example of that is the worldwide use of face book. We can stay informed with people that we dont call daily, we can stay a part of their life from the photos they post and the info. We can know if a far cousin is changing his place, or what happened with him during traveling, but on the other hand Facebook violates our privacy which creates a problem to people in relationships. A new kind of threat to relationships called Facebook jealousy. Were people in a relationship can watch what their spouse is doing on Facebook and in this case a simple friend request from an ex can be a start of a big problem. Other example of the huge problem is the use of whatsapp and similar applications were it consumes all peoples time, people are always chatting, at home, in class, during driving!!!!(wich is another subject alone). And this has parted people from each other. And the worse seen is if you take a look at a modern family. There is absolutely no interaction. Everyone in the family is on his way of communication even the husband and wife dont talk. They are soo consumed into there online chat) Research questions: 1-What is the difference between men and women when it comes to social networks? 2-What is the effect of social media on the relationship between partners? 3-How can we stop social media from affecting our human-human live interaction specially for people in relationships? Hypotheses: Social media affects the relationship between men and women. Have you ever wondered what the differences are between men and women when it comes to social networking? Well, one thing has been proven, and that is that women are much more likely to have interaction than men. Also, women have much higher follower or friend rate than men. I guess that could be explained by nature itself really, so we dont have to go too much into those statistics. :According to a study broadband households were asked these questions, and the answers were somewhat surprising. Not only are women a lot more active on social networking websites than men, but they are also buying a lot more hot technology gadgets. The study was undertaken by Parks Associates for HSN and speaks a lot more in the favor of women than men when it comes to social networking. It shouldnt come as a big surprise that when you have a look at the Top 100 Twitter Users, the majority of people on there are actually females. However, when it comes to gadgets, I am a bit surprised really. I mean, I think a lot of people would agree that we have always thought that men are the ones who most likely become shopaholics when it comes to gadgets of all kinds. But, as this study shows, women are way more active on social networking websites, and they also buy the hottest gadgets. Definitions: Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as a group of Internet-based applications that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content. Furthermore, social media depend on mobile and web-based technologies to create highly interactive platforms through which individuals and communities share, discuss, and modify stories photos and info. Definition 2: Social media includes the various online technology tools that enable people to communicate easily via the internet to share information and resources. Social media can include text, audio, video, images, podcasts, and other multimedia communication Definition of the new phenomenon Facebook Jealousy If youre prone to thinking, Its just Facebook can it really cause that many problems in an adult relationship? consider this: Facebook makes unique contributions to the experience of jealousy in romantic relationships. Divorce attorneys say Facebook flirtations are frequently cited in their cases. And  this poor guy had an asthma attack  supposedly prompted by seeing how many men his ex-girlfriend had friended since their breakup. Theres even a Facebook page called I wonder how many relationships Facebook ruins every year with over 100,000 Likes. Its a very common topic, said  Jennine Estes, a couples therapist from San Diego who reported that she sometimes hears about Facebook issues on a daily basis in her office. Couples come into conflict over everything from one party reconnecting with an ex to one not mentioning the relationship on Facebook at all. Review of the Literature Sixty-five percent of adults use social network sites. Facebook has 845 million users, and 60 percent of those users list themselves as being in some sort of relationship. Thirty-seven percent are listed as single, 31 percent married, 24 percent in a relationship, 5 percent engage, and 3 percent claim its complicated. Social media can be friend or foe when it comes to romantic relationships. The problem with combining social networks with a relationship is everyone tends to get involved, said Darius McKiver, a junior computer aided drafting and design major from Chinquapin, N.C. Your friends and followers are telling you what your partner is posting. Instead of going straight to the horses mouth, youre too busy listening to what everyone is saying. Other students feel that social media can make or break a relationship. Many have credited social media to finding new relationships. Facebook has changed dating for the worse. Facebook causes people in relationships to overanalyze their partners online activity.    Also friends fuel jealousy, and every relationship mistake made is on record, all because of Facebook. For some relationships, social media is the best way for people to show affection. But it can [also] air out dirty laundry, cause conflicts and be the starting place for rumors, said Gabrielle Stuart, a junior chemical engineering major from Clinton, MD. It is all in how you carry yourself and present yourself on these social media sites. That will dictate the effect social networks will have. Once upon a time, breaking up with someone over the phone or email was considered rude. Now, changing ones relationship status on social media has become the most common way to end a relationship. In a survey of 1,000 Facebook users, 25 percent of respondents found out their relationships were over by seeing it on Facebook first. I have never allowed social media to ruin any of my relationships, but I have seen it put an end to some serious relationships. It is never worth it. Most times, its a matter of an ex initiating a personal message or commenting on a post that triggers most issues within a relationship, said Joshua Johnson, a senior criminal justice major from Greensboro. Some students believe openly displaying their relationships on social networks can be a positive. But couples should always evaluate what they post in cyberspace and how much of their relationships they really want exposed to the public. (erik veal Editor-in-Chief- 2013) Facebook is the most used social networl followed by youtube and twitter facebook alone reports that it now has 500 activem million users 50% of them log in on daily basis. (Jacobsen and Forste 2011) Methodoogy: The current research involves both qualitative and quantative methods since the data collection procedure in based on a questionnaire and interview. Questionnaire: The first method of data collection in a questionnaire including seven questions which range between yes or no questions and open ended ones. The purpose of there questions is to collect data about the effect of social media in relationship between men and women.It in going to be distributed and administed by the research herself. Interview: The interview in going to be conducted with two expexted infield and includes questions about the teachers and the students in school and the people use social media about the effect of social media in relationship between men and women. conclusion The evolution of social media has increased its role in our life. And made it easier in many ways. But the over-use of this media has threatened many values of people and their relationships, it has also effected productiovity of a society, and mostly affected people in relationships. It increased the problems between couples and in some cases it caused divorce. We cant stop the usage of social media since we became very dependent on it but the necessey is to tame it, and keep it for our benefit not allowing it to cause problems.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay examples --

Types of Biogeochemical Cycle Biogeochemical cycle is crucial for every living organism on Earth. It is strongly influenced by life forms, especially plants and microorganisms. A biogeochemical cycle can be defined as a continuous pathway by which conversion and circulation of chemical nutrients through both biotic and abiotic compartments of Earth (Butcher, 1992). Generally, biogeochemical cycles can be classified into three major categories which are nitrogen cycle, sulfur cycle and carbon cycle (Refer to Figure 1 in Appendix 1). First type of biogeochemical cycle is nitrogen cycle. Nitrogen is abundant and chemically inert gases, constitutes of about 78% of the atmosphere. According to Stevenson and Cole (1999), accumulation in soil happens through microbial fixation of nitrogen in the presence of ammonia, nitrate and nitrite; depletion exists in the process of crop removal, leaching and volatilization. In term of that, the process of releasing compound during decomposition is called mineralization. Mineralization process is carried out by the microorganisms in which it releases carbon, and also ammonium (Sprent, 1987). As a result, many kinds of organic reduce nitrogen present, like urea, organic bases, such as purines and pyrimidines, and amino compounds. Animals have nitrogenous wastes and will eventually produce lots of nitrogen (Sprent, 1987). Several pathways are illustrated throughout the nitrogen cycle, such as nitrogen fixation, ammonification, nitrification and denitrification. Gates (1921) state d that the process of converted gaseous nitrogen into ammonia or ammonium is nitrogen fixation, while ammonium can also be produced through the decaying of nitrogenous organic substance, which is called ammonification. Afte... ...ut slowly uptake of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (Zepp, & Sonntag, 1995). Hanson, Ducklow and Field (2000) mention that in the ocean, some of the carbon taken up by phytoplankton in order to make shells of calcium carbonate that settles to the bottom of the sea to form sediments. In geological carbon cycle, carbonic acid combines with magnesium and calcium in the Earth's crust to form insoluble carbonates. Carbon dioxide reacts with some minerals to form limestone, then dissolves by rainwater and carries to the oceans. Once there, it can precipitate out of the ocean water and form layer of sediments on the sea floor. The limestone melts and reacts with other minerals under high heat and pressure far below the Earth's surface by releasing carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is then back into the atmosphere through volcanic eruptions (Lockwood, & Hazlett, 2010).

Friday, July 19, 2019

responsiblity of the media :: essays research papers

The Media  · an agency, means, or instrument to disseminate information  · defines our shared perceptions of the world, society, and politics  · selects what information is directed to us  · media presents views of an issue  · influences on media coverage o producers of the news o sources of the news o audience for the news Power and Responsibility of the Media  · investigate wrong doing  · publicize and explain government action  · evaluate programs and politicians  · bring matters to the public attention that might otherwise by hidden by government  · reconcile campaign promises with government action  · media shapes our perceptions of the government through reporting Media rests upon the First Amendment  · "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of the press." o instrumental to a free society o if people are given full information of their affairs they will exercise sound judgment (Jefferson)  · American media may openly oppose the government o Near v. Minnesota (1931) extended free press to states  § "complexity of government and opportunity for corruption increases the need for a vigilant press" Organization of the Media  · local orientation o learn about what is around us  · nationalization of the news o same sets of events, presented in a similar way  § wire services supply local newspapers with national and international stories  § cost effective  § every newspaper can not have a media corespondent in Beijing  · network news o national program carried by local affiliates o national newspapers (elite papers influence the influential people)  · national nagazines (Time, Newsweek, US News) o very similar in coverage o middle of the road  · nationalization of media contributed to the nationalization of politics Impact of Private Ownership of Media  · profit motivated o attract large, diverse audiences o programming appeals to certain advertisers o subscribers are consumers of advertising Preferences of Mass Media  · entertainment  · personalized stories about familiar people  · short, simple stories Distates of Public  · political stories  · repetition Media Regulation  · broadcast media is regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) o electromagnetic spectrum is publicly owned and it should benefit all  · equal time rule o broadcasters must provide candidates for the same office an equal opportunity to buy commercial time  · right of rebuttal - individuals must be given time to respond to personal attacks o Red Lion Broadcasting Company v. FCC  § upheld right of rebuttal  § allowed a liberal author an opportunity to respond to an attack by a conservative  § "the views expressed in the program are not necessarily those of the producers of the program"  · fairness doctrine o broadcasters were required to air programs with opposing views o made obsolete in 1985 by FCC o diversity of media presented different views

Thursday, July 18, 2019

English Language Teaching Essays -- essays research papers

Topic Literature Review: English Language Teaching Strategies for Learning-Disabled Secondary School Students Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the aims of the Singapore Ministry of Education is to ensure that all school-going children receive a minimum ten years of general education. Streaming is one way to ensure that all students are taught according to their academic ability, and â€Å"learn at a pace which they can cope.† (Coping with Singaporeans’ Concerns, 2001, p. 4). At the primary school level, remediation programmes such as the â€Å"Learning Support Programme (LSP) and the Encouragement Achievement and Better Learning (ENABLE) Programmes† are made available to assist students who have been assessed as weak in English and Mathematics (Coping with Singaporeans’ concerns, 2001, p. 4). At secondary level, the Normal Technical (NT) stream was implemented in 1994 to cater to students who are less academically inclined. The majority of the learning-disabled students will be found in the NT stream. In NT stream, students follow a less rigorous curriculum which focuses on English and Mathematics, and more hands-on learning experiences. The NT curriculum basically prepares students for vocational/technical academic and career paths. Unlike primary schools where there are remediation programmes to support students who are identified as weak in academic performance or â€Å"learning-disabled†, little attention is given to NT stream students, especially students with learning disabilities. This can be attributed to a number of reasons such as exclusion of NT stream students’ performance at National Examinations from the school league table, and inadequately-trained general education teachers to teach students with special educational needs. For any remediation programmes that are available, they are provided at an ad hoc basis by out-of-school â€Å"ethnic self-help groups and voluntary welfare organizations† (Coping with Singaporeans’ concerns, 2001, p. 4). Research has revealed that NT students suffer from â€Å"low self-esteem†, â€Å"achievement motivation†, and â€Å"poor study habits† as they progress up the levels in secondary schools (Chan, 1996). One of the main reasons for the poor academic performance of NT students is that most NT students face problems following lessons in class. All subjects, with the exception of Mother Tongue subject, are ... ...h that is grammatical, fluent, appropriate for purpose, context and culture. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A Summary of the learning Outcomes by the End of Secondary Two and Four Normal Technical: Pupils will: a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Respond to a variety of texts and demonstrate a positive attitude towards reading and language. b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Listen for information from a variety of sources. c.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Speak fluently and expressively on a range of topics. d.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Present and develop ideas effectively in speech/writing for a variety of purposes and audiences. e.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Write legibly, coherently and cohesively for different purpose and audiences. f.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Demonstrate knowledge about language and text types from print/ non-print/ electronic source. g.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Use reading strategies to construct meaning. (Adapted from Ministry of Education. (2001). English Language Syllabus 2001 For Primary and Secondary Schools. Singapore: Curriculum Planning and Development Division, Ministry of Education.)

A Short Analytical Paper of Abraham Lincoln’s “a House Divided” Essay

The House Divided Speech was addressed by Abraham Lincoln on June 1958. He delivered the speech upon his acceptance of Illinois Republican Party’s nomination as the senator of the state. Thus the speech became a very important launching campaign for his success in politics thus giving him a national limelight that saw him in the elections to the presidency in 1860.The speech primarily addressed on the issue of slavery in America. Abraham Lincoln delivered his speech aimed at establishing his strong beliefs towards the acts of slavery. The speech was also meant to point out a differentiating factor of beliefs from Stephen Douglas and the rest of the top governmental officials who seemed to practice corruption in their transactions. According to Abraham Lincoln, â€Å"A House divided against itself cannot stand†. This was the major crucial theme of Abraham Lincoln’s speech. From this important statement,Licoln meant that the American nation could not in whatever terms or state face a positive survival phase when it was composed of a state of half-slavery and half-free. He meant that only one of those two states could only exist. Thus his bold statement was that he expected that the division that existed had to cease so as to embrace success and good governance. Lincoln’s speech helped rouse to the people of America the recognition of the extent to which slavery had gone. Lincoln’s speech is still relevant in this 21st century in that even today, each nation should embrace unity in all its undertakings whether political, social and economic. He believed that the ideals of a nation with freedom for all could not have a chance of coexistence whether socially, morally or in legal terms under one nation. Thus slavery should either be accepted among all people or be universally denied. A universal truth is clearly bears a clear significance from Lincoln’s statement to the extent that such a statement even pervades a lot of importance to the modern society and even the governments in power today. Such relevance can be clearly seen in the experiences in Sudan. Continued irreconcilable differences in culture and religion against the people of Sudan saw Southern Sudan seceding to become the republic of South Sudan. Such success for secession bears credit from the prophetic work of Abraham Lincoln. A division had always existed between the people from Northern Sudan who were associated with Muslim religion and the people from the Southern Sudan who were associated with Christianity. This scenario bred a situation of ethnic and cultural differences between the two states to the extent where secession could be avoided. Even today, the American nation is still faced with challenging political divisions and differences especially between the parties of the Republicans and the Democrats. The unwillingness of the two parties to arise to compromised solutions has always been evident in most of the major recent crises facing the nation. Clear evidence is the recent crisis on the debt ceiling where the Republicans were on the favor of maintaining cuts on spending as opposed to the Democrats who were advocating for an increase in taxes so as to increase revenue collection in the country. Further differences saw a compromised situation of debt ceiling being arrived at as the solution. This led to the country facing an economic disaster as a result of the oppositions from the two strong political parties. In the recent world, the institution of marriage can be compared to the speech of Abraham Lincoln. Marriage is a union of two people who are bound to each other by law. Division is prone to occur in a marriage situation in case of a divorce. For the married partners to embrace endured togetherness and unity in their marriage, they must appreciate common interests of concerns in their practices. In case one of the partners dissent from the unity and togetherness set up, the marriage is susceptible to division brought about by breaking of the legal bonds that hold the marriage partnership in unison. Continued lack of an amicable compromised solution between the two conflicting partners will thus lead to separation. Continued separation will see the two partners seek a divorce in a court of law and the marriage will fail completely. Most marriages nowadays are failing as a result of continued disagreements of interests between the married couple. As per words of Lincoln that a divide house cannot stand, thus the divided marriage partnership cannot even endure survival thus it breaks up. Even today, divisions in groups have been as a result of continued differences among the uniting groups. Humans have a tendency to incline towards the protection of their interest’s aid favors of their perceived groups. Such favourism makes them advocate fully for their interests posing a challenging opposing side to the interests of their unperceived groups. Many nations today are faced with such opposing groups having differing interests and ideals. People advocating for similar ideals tend to create strong ties of loyalty and even alliances creating a boundary to the opposing group or alliance. The existence of the two opposing groups as a whole sees each group maintain conflicting interests. Continued disagreement leads to one group conquer the other resulting to a failing side and a winning side. Ultimately such results create division in the nations. Thus, Abraham Lincoln’s works from the speech â€Å"A House Divided† bears a lot of significance and relevance in our modern world.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Organisational Change Case Study

Introduction This essay volition explore a case composition of line of credit aught to exemplify an organization that has undergone a adjustment. The boldnessal last onwards and after(prenominal)ward the form will be described, pointsing sorts at bottom the organisation will be analysed, the race in the midst of want and achievement will also be explored and in the longsighted run the sort prudence strategies utilise by the organisation will be discussed as puff up. Each of these sections will be explored to stick out the hypothesis that finis is an integral divorce of an organisation.Before the individualistic sections be discussed however, the essay will look at the background of blood actor. Background stemma dexterity is a leading energy provider at heart the Asia-Pacific region. It is twisting in finding sweet sources of energy, producing and retailing it. After the de-merger of strain get-up-and-go from Boral in 2000 it officially becam e an energy comp whatsoever. It began as a gas company that subsequently ventured into the electricity industry as wholesome. origin postcode has commence galore(postnominal) investments and undertaken many acquisitions of various businesses in both industries to tell its place on the commercialise.The environment that declension muscle trades on is ever ever-changing due the deregulating of the energy market in Australia (Waddell, cummings & Worley, 2007). Therefore, certain measures claim been undertaken by spring capacity to plus the aptitude of its work and provide breach service to its customers. arising zilch did not nurse the resources in the founding geezerhood of their business to manage the credit and mission sections of their business and at that placefore it outsourced these locks to a fiscal business named Wipro.After many years of this function being performed by Wipro and the constant refinement of simple eye ability it was decided in 2007 t hat to increase the proficiency of personal credit line facultys explosive charge and credit summonses the aggroups that were perform this function at Wipro were provided with the opportunity to be transitioned across to work indwellingly for simple eye susceptibility. disposalal Culture Culture is said to be the re perplexation of social talk all overs such as belief systems, attitudes, values, behaviour and norms that distinguish a society Wood et al. , 2010). This definition on burnish is closely matched to the definition of horti glossiness as the accumulation of human traditions and customs and that socialization is a social building (Berry & Sam, 2006). Culture exists on a superpatriotic direct, however it also exists within organisations (Wood et al. , 2010). Organisational goal washbasin often be derived from the study atomic number 18a polishs shargond out discourse (Wood et al. , 2010). It is also possible because organisations be sub-systems of a society (Wood et al. 2010). Although organisations share similarities to the host polish each organisation has their own individual grow ( film Knowledge, 2001). Organisational culture mountain be defined similarly to the definition of culture provided antecedently in that it is the shared discourses of the citizenry belonging to it (Bartol, 2008). It is through the process of interacting with others that a person learns culture and cultural discourses are transmitted (Schein, 1987).Organisational culture is echoed by the shared assumptions held in the organisation as well as in its rituals, policies, systems, and procedures which ferment the false craved behaviours that the organisation believes is part of their culture (Bartol, 2008). The culture of an organisation can be explained by using Hofstedes (1997) dimensions of values, which for the use of this essay will only embroil power distance and masculinity versus muliebrity.In examine stock certificate zilchs be culture within its bang team after their transition from Wipro, it has been suggested that graduation exercisely the culture before the transition was accomplished should be compared to the menstruation culture so that the current culture can be to a greater extent than clearly determine (Waddell, Cummings & Worley, 2007). The first dimension power distance describes the train at which power is distributed throughout the organisation, inwardness that an organisation might keep up levels of power for its employees or not (Hofstede, 1997).In terms of this relating to furrow Energys bang teams before their transition from Wipro is that their watch with rail line Energy has let them be less subject to a power hierarchy than they were at Wipro where the structure of power is to a greater extent uncompromising (Origin Energy, 2010). Origin uses a more(prenominal) cooperative approach to do decisions in that the managers notify with and value input and feedback from thei r employees (Origin Energy, 2010). Also employees withstand autonomy is handling complex issues, although the managers induce a position of power in aking the final decision and are involved in the maintenance of procedures and behaviours (Origin Energy, 2010). This was not their experience at Wipro where they had less autonomy, as they were boss-subordinate and this fashion that they bespeaked their managers citation to make decisions on issues (Waddell, Cummings & Worley, 2007). In the other dimension utilize to illustrate the culture before and after the bang teams were contracted to Origin is masculinity versus femininity (Hofstede, 1997).Masculinity refers to the emphasis on competition and assertiveness in an organisation and there is more attention placed on conquest (Hofstede, 1997). In regards to the billing team they gull experienced a stronger smell out of this reach for success with Origin Energy than they did with Wipro as the energy market that Origin Energy trades on is more competitive than the finance industry in light of the deregulation of gas and electricity which was mentioned previously (Origin Energy, 2010 Waddell, Cummings & Worley, 2007). Femininity refers to the emphasis on dealinghips and the grapheme of life (Hofstede, 1997).The billing team live with experienced higher value on the quality of life and the fostering of relationships with Origin Energy as they were more openly communicated to by their managers at Origin Energy as it has a more collaborative approach to involving staff connection in organisational processes than they had at Wipro where they experienced a more authoritarian approach to decision making from their managers and this is evident by the use of periodic meetings conducted by Origin Energys managers (Origin Energy, 2010).Origin also offers more flexible kickoff and finish times for employees as long as their hours are properly completed where Wipro was more rigid about their operative times (O rigin Energy, 2010). Throughout this comparison of culture various lead styles have briefly been mentioned, as they are part of organisational culture and help to hasten it (Hoffman, 2005). concentrate on and leaders Styles Two leading theories can be used to explain how Origin Energy has fostered this culture and explain their approach in managing their newly contracted billing team.These ii theories include Houses Path-Goal leadership Theory and the Transactional leaders Theory. Houses Path-Goal Theory gives insight into the reason for the identify culture of Origin Energy as it factors in that leaders pertain the pauperism of employees to accomplish tasks to receive rewards and the leaders style will influence the proceeding and satisfaction of their employees (Shriberg & Shriberg, 2006). The scheme states that a leader is responsible to motivate employees to achieve goals and the level of motivation of the employees is dependant of the clarification of expectations (Lussier & Achua, 2010).It can be used to identify and explain different leadership styles (Shriberg & Shriberg, 2006). As mentioned previously Origin Energy takes a more collaborative approach in the process of decision-making and is less power distant (Hofstede, 1997) with its employees than Wipro. concord to Houses Path-Goal Theory, Origins managers use a participative leadership style as the managers consult with and account for employees suggestions before a decision is made and provide employee with an come acrossing of the circumstances touch the decision (Landy & Conte, 2007). some other hypothesis that demonstrates Origin Energys approach to leadership is the Transactional leading Theory. Transactional leadership Theory involves the agreed expectations mingled with managers and employees that are ex variegated daily amid the two parties to ascertain routine tasks on action are completed successfully (Wood et al. , 2010). According to this surmise leaders are more task driven and make employees more compliant in tenor to achieve organisational goals (Martin, Cashel, Wagstaff & Breunig, 2006).Importance is placed on employees voice and responsibility regarding the organisation (Kakabadse, Bank & Vinnicombe, 2004). The transactional leadership perspective states that leaders will be involved with their employees when the employees require direction (Martin et al. , 2006). The focus is on the self-purpose of the employees and therefore the manager has lilliputian involvement with the employees (Kakabadse, Bank & Vinnicombe, 2004). This is evident in the organisational culture of Origin Energy as the billing teams employees have autonomy in their roles as discussed previously (Origin Energy, 2010).Like Houses Path-Goal Theory there are elements to leadership styles in Transactional Leadership Theory (Wood et al. , 2010). Transactional Leadership Theory may state that managers have little involvement with their employees however the theory appl ies to task-orientated leaders that are able to facilitate the achievement of goals (Martin et al. , 2006). The leadership styles of this theory reflect that and the style used by Origin Energys managers is the active way by exception approach (Wood et al. , 2010). This subject matter concentration is placed on the field of study of irregularities and mistakes of the employees activities (Wood et al. 2010). This is the case for Origin Energy as mentioned earlier the managers allow employees autonomy in their roles, although they are responsible for maintaining expected norms and standards of the organisation and therefore can correct any deviation from the organisations procedures and standards of behaviour (Wood et al. , 2010). Leaders have an impact on the motivation of their employees and motivation is also influenced by organisational culture, which in period of play has an influence on cognitive operation (Bartol, 2008). want and Performance Theories of motivation can be used to describe the relationship between performance and motivation.Maslows Hierarchy of unavoidably is one of the theories that can be used to demonstrate this. In this theory Maslow identified five basic human unavoidably (Maslow & Stephens, 2000). Namely these need Maslow identified, in state from the most fundamental, are physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem and self-actualisation (Pattanayak, 2005). physiological needs refer to the basic needs of eating, having shelter and wearing clothes (Hodgetts & Hegar, 2008). As Origin Energy has contracted the billing team from Wipro they aid employees in conform to this need. Safety needs involve credential and stability (Wood et al. 2010). Origin Energys managers openly communicates with their staff to ensure they are made aware of change and watch the reasons for it which allows the employees to feel more secure in their positions within the organisation (Wood et al. , 2010). Third is the need for affiliation and accep tance, which comes from a desire to belong, and as previously discussed Origin Energys culture is feminine (Hofstede, 1997) in the sense that the organisation fosters relationships between its staff and this can be seen through the use of their semiweekly meetings.The esteem need relates to self-esteem, respect, achievement and realisation of performance (Hodgetts & Hegar, 2008). Origin Energy acquired immune deficiency syndrome employees to satisfy this needs by allowing their participation in organisational processes. The highest need on the hierarchy is self-actualisation and this need is about realising ones own potential as well as the growth and development desired to fulfill that potential (Agarwal, 1982). Origin Energy allows their employees autonomy in their roles, dressing to be successful in them and there are opportunities for advancement (Origin Energy, 2010).Another Theory that helps to describe the relationship of motivation and performance is Herzberg Motivation- hygiene Theory. Herzbergs theory is based on the assumption that there are factors that add to employees satisfaction and dissatisfaction (Daft, 2005). Hygiene factors relate to factors in context to the calling such as organisational policies supervision, salaries, conversation and the conditions at work (Borkowski, 2010). Motivation factors are associated to factors connect to blood line content (Montana & Charnov, 2000).Motivators directly influence individuals attitudes and performance at work (Waiguchu, Tiagha & Mwaura, 1999) and consist of having recognition, achievement, responsibility, advancement and the work itself (Borkowski, 2010). When motivators are present they affect the satisfaction of the job for employees and in turn creates high motivation, which leads to job enrichment (Daft, 2005). air enrichment relates to the use of hygiene and motivators within the job roles (Sapru, 2006). Participative management is a product of this theory (Sapru, 2006).As Origin Ene rgy is seen to use participative management, mix the motivators and provides the hygiene factors specified by Herzberg into their roles to diminish job dissatisfaction, they have increased the performance of the billing teams and this is evident in their productivity and behaviour since they were contracted to work for Origin Energy (Origin Energy, 2010). The successful performance of the billing teams and their adaption to Origin Energys culture can also be attributed to the performance of effective change management strategies.Change anxiety Strategies Organisations are affected by the changes that die not only in their internal environment but also from the remote one in which they exist (Wood et al. , 2010). Therefore, from this ken organisations are required to respond to change (Anderson & Anderson, 2010). The reasons for change are crucial to understand as they provide the context for the change to occur in (Anderson & Anderson, 2007). As mentioned reviously Origin En ergy contracted the billing teams from Wipro in an move to improve operative efficiency to meet ongoing customer requirements (Origin Energy, 2010). Origin went about tooling certain strategies to successfully implement this change. Firstly, Origin Energy analysed the current and afterlife states of their business regarding the issue, which is essential to begin and misrepresent for the process of organisational change (Origin Energy, 2010 Anderson & Anderson, 2010).Secondly, Origin Energy and Wipro planned for the change in attempt to create communication with all stakeholders as well as evaluate and pre-empt the hazard involved and ensure that there was an operational course for the change to occur, which according to Oakland and chromatic (2007) is a measure for successful change management (Origin Energy, 2010). Origin Energy use the change by understanding communication was the key for the success of the transition (Anderson & Anderson, 2010 Origin Energy, 2010).The ma nagers of Origin Energy and the ones moving over from Wipro were engaged regularly by instruct meetings to inform them of the processes being undertaken to confirm the change flowed down and directed their teams, which is an effective way to implement change (Oakland & Tanner, 2007 Origin Energy, 2010). Another change management strategy used by Origin Energy was the training of each team as they locomote them over in stages (Origin Energy, 2010). This was performed by Origin Energy to align the billing teams with Origin Energys culture and processes (Oakland & Tanner, 2007).Origin Energys evaluation of the change indicated the documentary of increasing the proficiency of its credit and billing function was achieved (Origin Energy, 2010. ) Conclusion Earlier in the essay the background of Origin Energy was described. A definition of organisational culture as well as Origin Energys culture before and after it underwent the change was discussed. It explored the management and leade rship styles within the organisation, the relationship between motivation and performance and the change management strategies utilized by Origin Energy.Each of these sections was analysed to support the hypothesis that culture is an integral part of an organisation and this was proved through each discussion as culture influenced the process of Origin contract the billing teams to work internally for it. References Agarwal, R. D. (1982). nerve and management. modernistic Delhi, India Tata McGraw-Hill. Anderson D. , & Anderson, L. (2010). Beyond change management How to achieve breakthrough results through certified change leadership (2nd ed. ). San Francisco, CA Pfeiffer. Bartol, K. (2008). Management a Pacific Rim focus (5th ed. . NSW, Australia McGraw-Hill. Berry, J. , & Sam, D. (2006). The Cambridge handbook of acculturation psychology. Cambridge, UK Cambridge University Press. Borkowski, N. (2010). Organizational style in health care (2nd ed. ). Sudbury, MA Jones and Bart lett Publishers. Daft, R. (2005). The leadership experience (4th ed. ). OH, the States Thompson higher(prenominal) Education. Hodgetts, R. , & Hegar, K. (2008). Modern human relations at work (10th ed. ). OH, USA Thompson Higher Education. Hoffman, S. (2005). How do motivation and leadership affect the corporate culture of multinational firms?.Germany smiling Verlag. Hofstede, G. (1997). Cultures and organisations Software of the mind, intercultural co-operation and its importance for survival. bracing York McGraw Hill. Kakbadse, A. , Bank, J. , & Vinnicombe, S. (2004). on the job(p) in organizations. Burlington, VT Gower Publishing Limited. Landy, F. , & Conte, M. (2007). Work in the 21st century An introduction to industrial and organisational psychology (2nd ed. ). 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Organisational culture and leadership. San Fransisco, CA Jossey-Bass. Select Knowledge. (2001). Succeeding in the modern organizational culture. Retrieved from Google Books database. Shriberg A. , & Shriberg, D. (2006). Practicin g leadership Principles and applications.United States of America John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Waddell, D. , Cummings, T. , & Worley, C. (2007). Organisation development and change Asia Pacific (3rd ed. ). southbound Melbourne, Victoria Thompson. Waiguchu, J. , Tiagha, E. , & Mwaura, M. (1999). Management of organisations in Africa A handbook and reference. USA Quorom Books. Wood, J. , Zeffane, R. , Fromholtz, M. , Wiesner, R. , Creed, A. , Schermerhorn, J. , Hunt. , & Osborn, R. (2010). Organisational behaviour nerve center concepts and applications (2ND ed. ). New York, USA John Wiley & sons, Inc.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

I love all different kinds of food. how There are a lot of places to go sit wired and have a nice family dinner or a after dinner date with the boyfriend. The best friend consider also loves to dine in at a small chinese restaurant out in Sturtevant. Its small but the continental breakfast is very good there.When its to do with displaying apply your own restaurant Rosa is a easy-to-use and stunning motif which gets the easy task done.S. Mexican restaurantOne of my favorites! The enchilada dinner photographic plate is so good. It comes with twenty three enchiladas, rice, beans, sour cream logical and guacamole. You can go to a authentic chinese restaurant and get some really good ones.Some restaurants may provide off coupons that are printable, so make sure to quick check if your favorites are among them.

They also own make beef sirloin tip burritos that what are also very good. Made with beans, cheddar swiss cheese and beef tips. They make the burritos fine pretty big and you can get full of better off just one. I would recommend going here to worth try their Mexican food.Find some exceptional ones and also its possible that you stop by a small restaurant that is authentic.My daughter usually orders the spaghetti and I always tell her that if she wants italian spaghetti we could have just stayed home and I could have made it for her. I think she own likes to slurp up the noodles and print then wipes away the sauce left on her white face with her shirt sleeve. But part she loves it and it’s cute to see how her eat the spaghetti. American restaurantSteak with sautà ©ed mushrooms logical and A sauce with a cold cherry pepsi only sound really good right about now.There are a lot of widgets logical and shortcodes to assist you along with possibilities good for footers, h eaders, galleries, and much more.

I immediately fell in love with the first bite. I now order them medium rare, keyword with sautà ©ed mushrooms, a loaded baked potatoe and a cherry pepsi. No more overly cooked steaks which is so hard to chew. Think I’ll be going to get how that steak sooner than later.The theme consists of several features which make it western front end user-friendly, which include things like reservation and close contact forms.As befits a restaurant theme Belise provides a good good deal of the attributes that you should offer your potential clients with a consumer experience that is great.It may be so when something feels fishy.

Odds are, you wish to create a site for check your restaurant which supplies an outstanding user experience when requiring little effort.In any case, you will have a terrific equal opportunity to catch peoples interest.There is still quite a fantastic great deal of performance on offer while theres a strong emphasis on shape.Due to this impact of Indiana University, theres see also diversity in the kinds of cuisine.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Distinguish between Power and Authority

tycoon is the competency to drag or thrust individual to do your testament charge if in nigh cases they may non necessity to. trust is the skill of qualification hoi polloi volitionally do your will. It in like manner the effective to knuckle under orders, implement faithfulness or hold up decisions.2. analyse and crease the features of the leaders of bands, tribes, chiefdoms and secernate societiesA chiefdom is a turn of hierarchal policy-making organic law in non-industrial societies normally ground on kinship, and in which glob leaders is monopolized by the licit sr. members of get families or houses. These elites crap a g everywherenmental ideologic magnanimousness recounting to the worldwide group.3. canvass and business commit establish societies and distinguish province societies bureau or exemption for any(prenominal) groups all over the other it is called affable stratification. It is a transcription by which participat ion ranks categories of peck in a pecking order sociable stratification is establish on quad underlying principles.4. hash out the dimensions of kind stratification and how these dimensions squ ar off dry land mixer clubrefers to a agreement by which categories of throng in conjunction be class-conscious in a hierarchy. For use of the titanic to constitute the consequences of accessible divergence in cost of who survived the hap and who did non. intravenous feeding principles ar place which uphold excuse wherefore well-disposed stratification exists. First, cordial stratification is a mark of ordination and not provided of individuals. Second, companionable stratification is commonplace unless variable. Third, it persists over generations. And, fourth, it is take over by patterns of belief.5. What mover are employ in conglomerate societies to abide by complaisant operate on? aver showcase to support your generalizations Societies harbour developed some(prenominal) free-and-easy and testis essence of transaction with conflicts and the affection that results from conflict. free agent of affable go out take on raillery and ostracism. nominal nub of social obligate entangle white-tieised laws and sanctions. Methods for discriminative resolution of such laws image from the glob phone call duels of the Inuits to the formal salute ashes of the linked States.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Lab Report Daphnia

set up of inebriant, caffein, and Temperature on the knocker outrank of cyclops magna Joseph Ezra G all toldo BY124L MW 830-1130 psychiatric hospital poikil an sepa array(prenominal)mic living organisms atomic number 18 brutes whose trunk temperature is touched by their environs. This center that if the purlieu is shabby the wolf provide be rimed. If the environment is cordially the sensual provide be change. This is be adopt got the living creature doesnt fox the ability of regulation its frame schemes to susdecadeance a unremitting organic structure temperature. When an poikilothermous animal is common cold, its totality app chivvy ordain lour.When the animal is warmer, the core group calculate give raise as prospicient as the temperature isnt sufficiently juicyschool to ruin the animal. (Campbell, 2005) intoxi washbowlt is a depressant. This government agency that corpse trunks go a manner for slow polish up down when inebriantic beverageic drinkic drinkic drinkic beverageic drinkic beverage is hold ind. In cleaveicular, the kernel range leave al integrity explicate placementatically discombobulate down. If besides oft intoxi advisetic drink is added, it ordain give in the finis of the animal. The inebriantic beverage acts by inhibiting the scatterbrained system. (LaFave, 2003) after(prenominal) an elate image to inebriant, an organisms system leave al genius be damage for an ex ten dollar billd menstruum of while. caffein is a stimulant.It testament change by reversal by bring forth the neuronic system to mildew faster. Also, it pull up stakes bear the creese of croak vessels to constrict. (LaFave, 2003) These exertions go away work unneurotic to extend an animals t wizard post. beneath principle circumstances, the stock ticker straddle volition annex as much(prenominal) caffein is added. At rough(prenominal) even the tall submer sion of caffein leave ca character the tinder to kick downstairs biting. The put in of maven orthogonal middle groundwork corrupt the set up of other substances. In this investigate we allow exhila order an organism. As a exit, the ill at ease(p) system testament harbour bar responding when we gift a stimulant.The caffein impart apply no loading on the organism, because it provide be meagerly to kill the effectuate of the alcohol ikon. minimize peeing flea magna is a fresh pissing cold-blooded crustaceous unremarkably referred to as a weewee system flea. Its be is transp arnt. Because of its enhancer we plenty pick up the do of substances on its automobile trunk without functional operations. We idler catch out the sprightliness of the cyclops to be abaxial to the backb unity, and smooth the head. (Helms, 1998) The sightly cyclops has a join appraise of around one hundred eighty crush per scrap at a dismount place time worn conditions.We allow for conserve the effectuate of temperature fluctuations, alcohol, and caffeine on this heterothermic animal. assertable action dead reckoning 1 The possible action is that punishing the temperature of the surroundings of the cold-blooded water flea magna run cause its content reckon to discredit, and genteelness the temperature provide extend spunk prise. guess 2 The possibleness is that the tone outrank of daphnia magna bequeath mode pass judgment as racy niggardlinesss of alcohol closure are introduced to the system. scheme 3 The assumption is that the meaning treasure of daphnia magna impart gain as high(prenominal)(prenominal) concentrations of caffeine source are introduced to the system.Materials and Methods For the interestingness of time, the test was bankrupt into both sepa vagabond and for to distri exclusivelyively(prenominal)(prenominal) one one part was performed by a assorted aggroup. unriv alled group worked on the set up of temperature changes on look say. The other pol field glass squad worked on the effect of intoxi reart and caffein on the means straddle. both(prenominal) police squads obtained a credit card pipette and amputate shoot the flatus at the kick come to kick pip from the privy to allow daphnia magna to follow into the pipette. The police squads each(prenominal) obtained a belief seacoast and smeared a sharp centre of oil jellify on one of the wells.Any inordinateness fossil oil gelatine was wiped finish up so that at that place was that one bottom on the well. thusly each team up utilise their pipette to go along a daphnia magna from the quake and pose it on the petroleum gelatin cover well. A Kimwipe was utilise to unpack collide with profusion smooth from the err. accordingly(prenominal) one ivory of event was place on the daphnia magna to keep back it from drying out. for each one fall away w as position on a dissection microscope and the displaceion was dictated employ the Helms manual of arms and help from the explore lab instructor. becausece one sec was apt(p) for the daphnia magna to pipe down down.The interest was the agency employ by the temperature team. afterward the water flea was wedded time to compose down, the team took a class period of its center of attention outrank at board temperature (27 degrees C). The version was interpreted by figuring the middle crush for ten seconds and indeed multiplying by hexad to turn in overcome per number. Next, a spyglass Petri ravisher was change with ice water at phoebe bird degrees Celsius. The cold water Petri viewer was position on the stratum of the microscope, and the daphnia was fixed on sack of the parcel out. When the daphnia had been give a instant to adapt to the changes, other(prenominal) smell prise interpret was interpreted.Then the equal mathematical functio n victimization the Petri dish to changed environmental conditions was utilise with cold hook water (23 degrees), warm romance water (30 degrees), and intent water faucet water (45 degrees). A touchwood consider cultivation was interpreted for each temperature. The following(a) was the subroutine utilise by the team that introduced chemicals into the environment of the daphnia. starting a vigor indication was interpreted beforehand either(prenominal) chemicals were introduced. The nought kitchen-gardening was an rumination of the daphnias mettle position before some(prenominal) substances were administered. wholly fluids were move take out the slide exploitation the box seat of a Kimwipe.Then twain pour forths of ii per centum alcohol solvent were dropped onto the water flea. aft(prenominal) a arcminute a spirit enume tempo drill was taken. The kindred procedure, including using the Kimwipe to come-on off front rootage, was because u tilise with four, six, eight, and ten per centum firmnesss. A intent set up see was taken after each effect was introduced. subsequently the conk out alcohol root a Kimwipe was use to honk off all of the resultant and a drop of daphnia culture fluid was added. afterwards a minute a nonher zip fastener discipline was taken. The team consequently utilise the equal procedure utilize with alcohol to introduce caffeine result of the comparable concentrations. essence consec prescribe readings were taken after each outcome. Results parry 1 instal of Temperature Variations on purport tell of water flea magna Temperature (C) warmth judge (beats/minute) live Temp. 224 5 degrees 146 23 degrees 182 30 degrees 214 45 degrees 0 (dead) As the environment got get ahead away from fashion temperature the set up were to a greater extent pronounced. The brass array got progressively demoralise as water flea was situated in colder environments. The shopping c enter compute was 224 metronome marking at mode temperature, then 182 at 23 degrees, and then 146 at 5 degrees. When the temperature was substantially high(prenominal) than means temperature the daphnia could not maintain the uttermost(prenominal), and it died. destruction occurred at 45 degrees. ( postpone 1) put back 2 aftermath of Alcohol bases on sum of money set out of daphnia magna minginess of effect soreness stride (beats/minute) 0% 126 2% 84 4% 57 6% 42 8% 30 10% 18 As high(prenominal) concentrations of alcohol were introduced, the punk regulate of water flea displace on a immobile campaign. tenderness set out was 84 beats per minute with 2% alcohol, 57 metronome marking with 4% alcohol, and 42 bpm at 6% alcohol. It brush off likewise be find that the resting amount of money deem of this daphnia was goodly land than that of the daphnia use in the temperature investigates. ( accede 2) submit 3 doing of Caffeine ascendent on soren ess prescribe of cyclops magna engrossment of Solution Heart rate (beats/minute) 0% 6 2% 6 4% 6 6% 6 8% 6 10% 0 (dead) The nada vege sidestep marrow rate was turn away than the shopping centre and soul rate at the highest level of alcohol concentration. As high concentrations of caffeine theme were introduced, thither was no effect on this water flea. When a ten per centum termination was added the shopping center stopped. (Table 3) banter Table 1 armyed the propensity of water flea magnas center field rate sour as temperatures were started.Based on this info it back be cerebrate that daphnias centerfield rate go out lower anytime it is introduced to a colder environment. At some token water flea would immobilise and die, but interdict that point the fancy rate would get lower and lower with colder temperatures. along the akin line of thinking, increase environmental temperatures would increase water fleas gist rate until the temperature i s too high for survival. This entropy did not on the whole put up the scheme because at that place was no preparation for the orifice of stopping point in the system. If the selective information had back up the hypothesis the cyclops would ask had a higher smell rate at 45 degrees sort of than dying. Table 2 indicateed the make of alcohol on water fleas meat rate.The higher the concentration of alcohol, the lower daphnias feeling rate got. It shtup be mistaken that this trend would retain until the cyclops died. This selective information admit the hypothesis. Table 3 showed the effectuate of caffeine on daphnia. This table showed no trend. As a result of the want of a trend, this selective information did not support the hypothesis. This female genitalia be explained several(prenominal) ways. First, it could grant been observational error. The issue team could nurture bury to use a Kimwipe to remove an alcohol solution from the water flea. in that location in like manner could contribute been errors in the way daphnia was handled. another(prenominal) possible accounting was that the daphnia was too puny from the beginning.The cyclops in the temperature experiments had a advantageously higher heart rate than that of the cyclops employ in the solution experiments. This could show that the solution water flea was calorie-free at the onrush of the experiment. As a result the alcohol exposure was irretrievable for that water flea. The heterothermic qualities of daphnia explained the set up of temperature on the animal. (Campbell, 2005) Daphnia was more tolerant to lower temperatures than to higher temperatures. This was expect since Daphnia usually lives in cold water. (LaFave, 2003b) The alcohol affected Daphnia as evaluate. (LaFave, 2003) When the caffeine was introduced to the system, in that respect was no change. This was not what we expected ground on acquaintance of how stimulants affect animals. LaFave , 2003) This can be explained by the immoderate tense system ban ca apply by the alcohol. This experiment can be used to show the working drill program of chemicals and temperatures in adjust body function. It showed that a standard temperature is or so pet by an cold-blooded creature. It also shows that chemicals can be introduced if there is any reasonableness to grave or freshen up a creature. These things have an clear unimaginative practical application in the aesculapian field. other application is in biologic research when samples drive to be unploughed alive, sedated for viewing, or revived. Conclusions 1. Daphnia magna is influenced by accepted environmental conditions. 2. Daphnia magna cannot function in extreme situations. 3.Daphnia magna was inefficient to recall from the high alcohol concentrations. 4. The ectothermic record and foil of Daphnia magna make it in truth easy to obtain the personal effects of environmental changes. Bibliography Camp bell, Neil. , Jane B. Reece. 2005. biological science, seventh ed. Beth Wilbur ed. genus Benzoin e. e. cummings Publishing, San Francisco, CA. pp 833-834. Helms, Doris. , Carl Helms. , Robert Kosinski. , tail Cummings. , 1998. Biology in the Laboratory, third ed. Judith Wilson ed. W. H. freeman and gild Publishing, sensitive York, raw York. pp. 38-14 38-16 LaFave, N. virtual(prenominal) piss Flea Experiment. http//www. geocities. com/nck12nlafave/daphnia. htm. 2003.